Is it possible to solve the problem of global warming in less than five minutes and without effort? Of course!
Cannibal Penguin, the biggest metal penguin fuck band, gives us the solution in 3 minutes and 33 seconds in his new clip Réchauffement Climatique Ouais Ouais, from the album Cannibal Penguin Ne Sait Pas.
But how do they do it? It’s easy… Our three weirdos, Yann, Enzo and Maxime, have got their heads full of positive thinking. And Micheline, their energy coach, who now follows them everywhere, has introduced them to all the common places of personal development: resilience, empathy, going out of comfort zone, systematically restoring meaning, massive consumption of sauerkraut.

CANNIBAL PENGUIN : Yann Kerninon (chant, guitare, imitations d’animaux), Maxime Mousserin (batterie, chants additionnels), Enzo Murelli (basse, chants et cris additionnels).
Video by Gabriel Mousserin and Yann Kerninon
Produced by Paul Bessone for Juste Une Trace
RÉCHAUFFEMENT CLIMATIQUE OUAIS OUAIS : recorded, mixed and mastered by Arnaud Bascuñana atStudio 180
Lyrics by Yann Kerninon, music by Maxime Mousserin, Enzo Murelli and Yann Kerninon, published by Éditions Amoc
with support : SCPP