
The album swings, but it is not really “swing”.

Hard bop? No, not really. But what kind of jazz is it? Simply today’s, there is no specifc category for it. It ‘s jazz warmly played by artists of diverse backgrounds.

No need to be an expert to appreciate this album. And for experts, they may identify with the subtleties and power of the arrangements.


1. Temps d’Etre (R. Fossati / F. Gac) 2’50
2. Mantia Livia Plurabella (R. Fossati) 8’31
3. Callin’ the spirits (R. Fossati / O. Brandily) 3’41
4. Catch it (R. Fossati) 6’44
5. Settimana Romana (O. Brandily) 5’47
6. Le coing du blues (R. Fossati) 8’45
7. Let the dance begin with you (R. Fossati / R. Baker) 6’06
8. O.P. (S. Jones) 4’38
9. That aint bad (R. Baker) 4’59

Ramon Fossati (Direction & trombone)
Ronald Baker (Trumpet)
Olivier Brandily (Saxophone)
Florent Gac (Piano)
Nicola Sabato (Double bass)
Jean-Pierre Derouard (Drums)

Recorded by David Casamitjana and Alix Ewald | Studio RDPC
Mixed and mastered by David Casamitjana and Ramon Fossati | Studio Sagarra
Arrangements by Ramon Fossati except O.P. by Nicola Sabato and Ramon Fossati & Settimana Romana by Olivier Brandily
Photographies by Daniel Mordzinski

Production : Juste Une Trace
Release date : 08-10-2007