The first album of a well known guitarist in the world of bebop .
The entire original directory goes from joyful exoticisms imagined by Marie-Ange Martin for Mexicali to Swing in Spring, where the clarinet gets us back to the spring swing. The pen of Marie-Ange Martin is the most eloquent when she talks about her emotions of jazzfan, evoking the Full House of Wes Montgomery in Sagitario or Tricotism of Oscar Pettiford in Magnetism. When she makes a tribute to Django in Promenade à St Ouen, the one of the recent years, between the false gentleness faces with Hubert Rostaing and the declared modernity “bebop” faces.
Marie-Ange Martin has selected two compositions of her great accomplice, Frederick Sylvester, including Herbie for which he has brought himself an air support.


When Jazz meets the Baroque : a new form of french music appears. Written and free music, carrying by a Jazz’s trio and a quartet of cellos.

With Laurent Mignard, that’s how the impossible becomes reality: Ravel meets Don Cherry, Dutilleux frequents Miles Davis, Debussy speaks to Ornette Coleman…


Spiritual guide of those who are crazy about the blue note (those who wake up and enter in clubs and make their breakfast-dinner in front of the sunrise with a plate of oysters), Vernhes troubled more than one widow behind his sax tenor sound, almost obscured by smoked curtains coming from under the ground, sending sensual and nostalgic notes to the vicious temptations of the street.
The expression of an large imagination about the cinema “underground” and the black american series that marked the audiovisual space of the sixties.
« Crazy Cow » related also in a funny way to the edified adventures of comic strip which had to secure the spirits against the morals doubts that were threatened the American dream… The only difference is that the Vernhes music does not secure anybody because has never followed any style model.


The album explores harmonic progressions, transgresses rhythmic solutions, mixes melodic references and finally inventes a band brass directory where Jazz, Ethic and contemporary music coexist.


«Souls Calls» is the first leader album of Laurence Allison.
She has a perfect and personal technique, her texts are irresistibly beautiful.
Her arrangements or those of her remarkable colleague Laurent Coq, are amazingly rich. It’s so rare to find such a good singer that can scatter with so much freedom and play sometimes such complex ryhtms, all with the right and touching voice’s tone.
Blessed with a swing as Sarah Vaughan does, she makes us dance as well as meditate.