Juste une Trace



SPLIT BRAIN presents an innovative fusion of thrash and death metal. The band stands out by using French for their lyrics, which gives their music a unique lyrical dimension and a strong cultural grounding.

The album “Écrasés par notre Héritage” by the French band SPLIT BRAIN delves into a range of deep and varied themes, exploring the evolution of emotions through tracks like “De la Colère à la Haine,” which addresses the shift from one emotional state to another, or “Acteurs de notre Déchéance,” which questions personal responsibility and the quest for self, offering a reflection on our role in the events of our lives. “Are we actors in our lives or mere spectators in the lives of others?” wonders Rémi, the band’s singer and lyricist. The irony of the album’s opening track “Il paraît qu’on a déjà tout dit” sets the tone, but SPLIT BRAIN definitely has things to say and to be heard!

“Une fuite en avant” embodies an urgent reaction to adversity, followed by “Et alors on s’élèvera…” which seems to offer hope of transcendence or liberation despite disillusionment. There’s a gentleness to the weighty messages. The melancholy of the instruments is complemented by the almost religious vocals. “Et alors on s’élèvera” as a warning or an inevitability? “Pourquoi ?!!”, the turning point is reached, everyone is involved and will be affected. The soaring guitars sound like sirens warning us, but it’s too late, as the raspy and disenchanted vocals make clear. For a moment, we think we can regain control, but the sirens are already there… “We are condemned”… And we depart, slowly, carried by the bell that seems to compel us to move forward…

The track “Jusqu’à se consumer” marks the inevitable end. It’s over! Life is no more, the violence of the departure is such that it quickly becomes clear that everything has changed. Everything happens so fast, and there’s no going back. Yet, in a moment of lucidity, it’s still possible to take stock. This moment of nostalgia, contrasting with the brutality of the moment, seems frozen in time with these acoustic guitars from another era, completed by an unfiltered, unembellished slam.

With soothing acoustic guitars, the instrumental “Reprendre notre Souffle” offers a moment of contemplative pause.

As the title suggests, the album also reflects on the influence of the past, addressing the repercussions of history on the present and the emotions they evoke, and concludes with a reflection on what we will leave to future generations: “What will they believe?”.

Together, these tracks form a meditation on the human condition, individual responsibility, and the search for meaning. As Rémi explains: “As the father of a seven-year-old daughter, I realize how much we are dependent on what we have done before. Our heritage is rich but so heavy.”

Recorded with spontaneous live takes and in analog at Studio 180 with Arnaud Bascuñana (Damien Saez, Matthieu Chédid, Les Wampas, United Guitars), the band focused on details, surprises, and extraordinary arrangements. “It was in a climate of serenity that we were able to tackle more complex technical aspects, push more boundaries, and be more daring. The analog recording, often found in Juste Une Trace productions, was chosen to give the sound a very particular texture for death metal,” explains the singer.

Through this blend of thrash and melodic death metal, SPLIT BRAIN’s album “Écrasés par notre Héritage” layers rage and reflection, melodies and audacity.

Pour en savoir plus sur SPLIT BRAIN


Rémi – Vocals
Nico – Guitar
Fred – Guitar
Damien – Bass
RagnarAco – Drums

Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Arnaud Bascuñana at Studio 180
Photography by Stéphane Chorain
Design and graphic creation by c3po.lette
Production by Juste une Trace
With support from: SCPP
Release date: 10-25-2024

Lyrics and Music by Rémi Pierre, Frédéric Acx, Nicolas Dijoux, Damien Marchant, and Nicolas Jeanneteau
Published by AMOC

Try to sing Death Melodic and Thrash Metal

Split Brain is a Metal band with Melodic Death and Thrash influences. The lyrics in French give a big singularity to the project. Screaming, singing and whispering take turns one after the other to create a riveting universe.

To support their efforts, a video entitled Discours Idyllique has just been released. It has some features that can seduce all. You don’t have to be a Death Melo or Thrash fan to enjoy it.

The video was made from a series of original Batt’Art drawings. For the animation, Elie Villain used the parallax technic. He divided the drawings into several planes that he positioned in a 3D environment. He then activated a camera in this environment to create zoom and travelling effects.

Words appear as we go along. Some would say it’s a “Karaoke”. Indeed, it is enough to follow the words to get involved to the end of the title. Moreover, listening to the chorus, it is almost impossible not to sing.
To go even further, here are the full lyrics.
You can now sing Death melodic and Thrash Metal !

dessin de Batt’Art


Encore une fois rien qu’une fois
Ce doux souvenir de ce qui devait être 
Plein de paraître, avec sagesse.
Le meilleur des mondes sans que la colère gronde
Seuls au monde, admettre ses faiblesses
qu’importe si le bât blesse

Envolés, nos rêves condamnés, fantasmes abandonnés

Encore une fois une dernière fois
Ces beaux discours des anciens jours
Tant de paraître mais sans sagesse
Mentir sur ses dires, ou comment trahir
Un seul mot d’ordre semer la discorde
qu’importe la méthode

Se souvenir, pour avancer
Imaginer son avenir, se retrouver
Se mentir, ne fera que nous nuire
Fatigué, révolté, il faudra bien s’accrocher

Envolés, nos rêves condamnés, fantasmes abandonnés

Mais quelle candeur, à se perdre dans le passé
Sans peur Abandonné, condamné
Résigné à espérer, plutôt qu’à en rêver
Triste réalité d’un passé oublié

Se souvenir, pour avancer. Imaginer l’avenir, pour se retrouver

Envolés, nos rêves condamnés, fantasmes abandonnés

Lyrics : Rémi PIERRE
Music : Rémi PIERRE, Nicolas DIJOUX, Nicolas JEANNETEAU, Frédéric ACX, Damien MARCHANT
Published by Editions AMOC

DISCOURS IDYLLIQUE is available here:

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